• Suburb : Clifton Beach 4879
  • Region : Far North
  • State : Queensland
  • Duration : 22 days
  • Arrive : 18-Dec-2023
  • Depart : 08-Jan-2024
  • Pet care required :
  • Special features :
  • Location :


Christmas in Cairns!

We're situated on the Northern Beaches of Cairns (20 minutes drive from the city). A quiet suburban beach between the tourist hubs of Palm Cove and Trinity Beach.

Care for two easy dogs and maybe water some plants occasionally.

Princess Leia is a 10 year old Bull Arab cross, so a 40kg lap dog. When not sleeping on the couch, she enjoys dozing in the garden. Like many old ladies, Leia needs to take one tablet twice per week to ensure no bladder dribbles - but she is so food-oriented she thinks tablets are treats!

Little Abby is a Jack Russell/Corgi cross so she enjoys barking at things and running around in circles. Thankfully she is now 7 years old so she can usually no longer be bothered. She loves a bit of fun and rough-housing with people.

Both dogs enjoy a short walk but have a large garden so aren't fussed if they miss out. They both respond to basic commands (come, sit etc) and are pretty low maintenance. They do require pats with their breakfast!

The house in open inside/outside living but fully air-conditioned if you need it. Five minute walk from the beach and safe swimming net (Stinger season) and supermarket. Two kayaks if you fancy a paddle.

Contact Homeowner

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