• Suburb : PIARA WATERS 6112
  • Region : Perth
  • State : Western Australia
  • Duration : 9 days
  • Arrive : 01-Jun-2025
  • Depart : 09-Jun-2025
  • Pet care required : Dogs, Cats
  • Special features :
  • Location : Public Transport, Supermarket, Restaurants


I live in a lifestyle resort for over 55s but that does not restrict younger people house sitting.

Someone who works from home or part time so my pets will not be alone for long periods of time during the day or night, with no night time shift work.

I have a 12 yr old staffing x ridgeback named Max. He is a real softie but loves to go for about a 45 minute walk each afternoon/evening. He requires medication each day.

Jessi is my 13 yr old cat. She lives indoors but goes into the garden when I am around. She likes to sleep on my bed.

I also have many plants that will need watering and care.

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