We are looking for a non-smoking housesitter or housesitters that are good with dogs and are willing to spend a reasonable amount of time being company for our two dogs. We would prefer an elderly or retired couple, but are open to other sitters, if they fit the requirements.
The Dogs
One is a 15yo black miniature poodle called Olive, who loves pats. The other is a 9.5yo gold cocker spaniel called Ruby, who is the boss of the house and loves food. Both are pretty well behaved, but do like to bark a little at noises. Both dogs have some medical issues, which are not too difficult to manage. They either require tablets (administered in a piece of cheese or other food).
The house itself doesn’t take much looking after. It is a four bedroom, two bathroom and two living area house, providing enough space to have separate quiet time if desired. The yard is quite small, so minimal time is required looking after grass and plants.
We are located in the north western suburbs of Brisbane, where there is plenty to see and do within a short drive.
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