• Suburb : YANKALILLA 5203
  • Region : Outer Adelaide
  • State : South Australia
  • Duration : 8 days
  • Arrive : 20-Sep-2024
  • Depart : 27-Sep-2024
  • Pet care required :
  • Special features :
  • Location :


we are looking for someone to babysit our our dog Jeff and cat Charlotte, water a few plants and generally make sure they are safe and fed. Jeff is a small cavoodle/maltese cross who loves his teddy and his many balls. he likes to go for a walk but not too far and not necessarily every day. he is 6 years old. Charlotte is 10years old and is the boss of all of us. she is a timid and tends really just needs to be fed and have someone to open doors for her at her command!

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