• Suburb : Yatte Yattah 2539
  • Region : Illawarra
  • State : New South Wales
  • Duration : 91 days
  • Arrive : 01-Jun-2024
  • Depart : 30-Aug-2024
  • Pet care required :
  • Special features : Caravan Parking, Families Welcome, Wheelchair Access, No Garden Care
  • Location :


Rural property, main house, 4 cottages, buildings

For sale, stay ends on settlement, so the end date is expected to change.

Live on-site in one of the cottages.

Be available for agents, contractors. etc

Liaise with owner

Contractors include mower and whippersnipping, timber cutting.

Weeding, cleaning and maintaining property to be done by house sitters.

Couple or small family preferred.

Prefer rural experience.

Contact Homeowner

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