• Suburb : KENNINGTON 3550
  • Region : Loddon
  • State : Victoria
  • Duration : 52 days
  • Arrive : 26-May-2025
  • Depart : 16-Jul-2025
  • Pet care required :
  • Special features : Caravan Parking
  • Location : Public Transport, Supermarket, Restaurants


We are looking for someone to care for our house and garden while we are away, or at least for the first four weeks or so. Our major requirements are that our house is kept clean and tidy, and our belongings are treated with respect. The major responsibilities are to collect our mail, and to enjoy and care for our garden - mowing (back garden and nature strip) will only be required two or three times as it will be winter - and some weeding. We also have two smallish wicking beds which will need weeding, along with care of any vegetables. You would be welcome, of course, to use any produce. Unfortunately, we do not have a pet at the moment and prefer no pets (or definitely not inside).

Our house is located walking distance from the CBD and a few blocks from a hardware store, supermarket, pharmacy, cafe, oval, bowls club, and a bakery. The sitter/s would have access to the whole house (it's not huge) except our bedroom and ensuite. We have off-street parking for cars and vans.

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